STEM skills for Humanities

STEM4Humanities aims to merge STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and humanities education, enhancing employability and supporting women and humanities students through innovative teaching and interdisciplinary strategies, promoting a diverse and inclusive educational environment.

The project anticipates significant outcomes:

Work Packages

Work Package 1

Project Management

Our management approach is based on comprehensive principles and methodologies that ensure a cohesive and effective partnership. In Work Package 1 (WP1) we prioritise seamless coordination and information sharing throughout the project lifecycle, identifying impact measures and addressing potential challenges through frequent monitoring reports and digital meetings to ensure the project's success and fulfilment of its objectives.

Work Package 3

STEM Training Scheme for Humanities Students

Work Package 3 (WP3) of the STEM4Humanities project is dedicated to promoting a transdisciplinary approach to humanities education through STEM training for students, recognising the importance of equipping students with skills that are adaptable to evolving professional landscapes. By offering STEM training programmes through an online MOOC platform and producing a STEM handbook, the project ensures that students receive a comprehensive education that is tailored to industry needs. In addition, through activities such as the assessment of students' STEM skills, WP3 facilitates the acquisition of valuable skills critical for employment and career development.

Work Package 5

Capitalization & Exploitation of STEM4Humanities Project Results

Work Package 5 (WP5) is dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the results of the project to ensure their successful transfer to stakeholders and decision makers for further sustainability. The active use of social media accounts, press releases and the organisation of dissemination events will give the project a high visibility.

Work Package 2

Upskilling of Humanities Professors

Given that STEM skills are crucial for employability and that there is often a lack of gender balance, particularly in humanities-related fields, it's essential to equip humanities professors with the necessary teaching skills in line with industry demands. Therefore, Work Package 2 (WP2) focuses on enhancing the skills of humanities professors to effectively deliver STEM teaching approaches to humanities students. During the implementation of WP2, a self-assessment tool will be developed to assess professors' STEM skills and to develop mini STEM courses tailored to their needs.

Work Package 4

e-WBL | Humanities Students in Small Scale Businesses

Work Package 4 (WP4) will design and implement work-based learning activities to put humanities students' STEM skills into practice and make them relevant to the labour market. Firstly, a network of businesses will be established where businesses from different backgrounds will have the opportunity to work with students who have developed STEM skills, to carry out the tasks assigned to them and to face the difficulties arising from the daily tasks and actions during the implementation of the e-internship programme. This e-internship programme will enable students to apply their STEM skills in a real work environment, gain practical experience and enhance their employability.

Progress of Work Packages


WP 1

Project Management


WP 2

Upskilling of Humanities Professors


WP 3

STEM Training Scheme for Humanities Students


WP 4

e-WBL | Humanities Students in Small Scale Businesses


WP 5

Capitalization & Exploitation of STEM4Humanities Project Results

Partners Say


The project consists of the following partners:

About our Partners

🇮🇹 Italy
🇬🇷 Greece
🇫🇷 France
🇱🇹 Lithuania
🇬🇷 Greece
🇵🇱 Poland
🇬🇪 Georgia
🇺🇦 Ukraine

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) stands as Poland's premier scientific and educational institution, gaining prominence both regionally and globally each year. With over 34,000 students guided by 2,000 academic teachers across 16 faculties, WUST offers a comprehensive range of courses, including programs taught in English and German. The university emphasizes innovation, industry collaboration, and individualized educational paths, attracting students from 49 countries. WUST actively engages in international partnerships, research initiatives, and exchange programs such as Erasmus and the Double Degree Master Programme T.I.M.E., fostering a dynamic learning environment aligned with industry demands.

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology 🇵🇱 Partner

Georgian International University GIU, also known as GIU, has long upheld the rich traditions established when the higher education institution was founded and continues to do so. The university wants to establish a cutting-edge knowledge platform in international education, offer top-notch instruction grounded in real-world research, and broaden and diversify the scope of staff and student interactions with other countries.The university aims to produce competitive graduates who meet the demands of the domestic and global labor markets and who can quickly adjust to a competitive environment by using their initiative and creativity. Over the last sixteen years, the university has consistently met the set goals for educational quality and conducted its operations at a level that meets high educational standards. Four successful authorizations and the accreditation of every educational program serve as proof of this. Out of the approximately 5,000 alumni from the university, 87% work in specialized fields. Modern teaching methods, individual disciplines, and programs that are continuously improved and renewed determine the employment and professional growth of graduates. The university offers courses in criminology, mock courts, law clinics, consulting centers, training travel agencies, training banks, TV and radio labs, student press club “Reporter,” Chinese Institute of International Education Cabinet, and “Georgian-Ukrainian Institute of Languages and Culture” in addition to its academic offerings. The institution employs qualified academics, professional lecturers, and subject-matter experts who are engaged in scientific research activities to impart knowledge and foster students’ personal growth. Students participate actively in both campus and community life. They manage university procedures, oversee academic procedures, and influence educational programs’ substance. The institution collaborates with numerous international organizations and universities abroad in a wide spectrum of international relations initiatives. The university has participated in worldwide projects and won numerous awards in collaboration with partner postsecondary educational institutions. The International University of Georgia has advanced to a new phase of growth, marked by improvements in instruction quality, the establishment of an autonomous research organization, a rise in enrolled students, the introduction of new curricula, including foreign language courses, and an increase in the reach of internationalization. Georgia International University GIU is committed to helping you achieve your worldwide objectives and has many exciting developments in store for you in the future.

Georgian Int University GIU 🇬🇪 Partner

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000164647



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