Project Description

The aim of the STEM4Humanities project is to bridge the gap between STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and humanities education in order to address key issues in higher education. 

The project aims to foster the development of transversal skills essential for employability and career success, recognising the high unemployment rates among humanities students and the urgent need to support STEM education, especially among women. Through innovative teaching strategies and cross-disciplinary approaches, STEM4Humanities aims to increase the proportion of women in STEM careers and improve the employability of humanities students. 

The project aims to equip students with the skills employers are looking for by integrating STEM education into humanities curricula and by training humanities professors in contemporary STEM teaching methods. The STEM4Humanities project therefore aims to equip students for the demands of the modern workforce, while promoting a more diverse and inclusive educational landscape.

Project 's Impact

STEM4Humanities is an innovative initiative designed to foster a symbiotic relationship between STEM and the Humanities, with the goal of transforming higher education. Here are our key objectives and initiatives:

Improving Employability

We focus on enhancing job prospects for graduates by integrating STEM skills with humanities education.

Creating New Learning Opportunities

Through innovative initiatives, we aim to expand the educational landscape for both students and educators.

Humanities Professors Upgrading Package

A specialized program for humanities professors to update their curriculum with STEM content.

STEM Training Schemes

Tailored training programs for students to gain essential STEM skills.

e-WBL/Humanities Students in Small Scale Businesses

An initiative that provides humanities students with work-based learning opportunities in small businesses, integrating STEM knowledge.

Regional and European Collaboration

We are extending our reach beyond partner institutions to foster connections across the region and Europe, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

Support for the EU's Digital Education Action Plan

Our efforts align with and support the implementation of this action plan, emphasizing the importance of digital skills in modern education.

Freely Available Educational Materials

We are committed to the open dissemination of educational resources, making it easier for educators to incorporate STEM into their curriculums.

Encouragement of Updated Humanities Education Programmes

By advocating for the integration of STEM, we aim to modernize humanities education and make it more relevant to today's challenges.

Together, STEM4Humanities is dedicated to reshaping the landscape of higher education, empowering students and educators to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000164647



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